AAEI highlights members who are helping lead the Association on key issues, initiatives and projects. This week, the spotlight is on Kristopher Denzel of Caterpillar, Inc.
AAEI members know Kris as the Director of Government Affairs for DHL Express. He recently started a new role for Caterpillar, but his work with AAEI on key trade issues stemmed from his experience with the logistics company, including the 21st Century Customs Framework (21CCF) project that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is leading to modernize U.S. customs laws. Kris’s involvement at AAEI spans from contributing to working group projects to several substantive AAEI committees, including the Customs, Export, and Trade Policy Committees.
Kris’s new role at Caterpillar is Manager of Government Affairs for the company, focusing on the import and export challenges facing a global manufacturer of construction, transportation and energy equipment. Congratulations to Kris for his transition from service provider member to importer-exporter member and this well-earned recognition as AAEI’s Member of the Week.