Membership Value Report
2024 Performance Indicators
At The American Association of Exporters and Importers (AAEI), the work we do together creates tangible benefits for our members and the trade community at large. Our members invested in these key drivers in 2024.
Forging Partnerships
AAEI works on behalf of its members to eliminate regulatory and legislative friction to trade and customs.
AAEI’s meetings and events provide opportunities to learn about practical solutions for problems in trade.
AAEI’s educational and professional development programs help members stay in-the-know.
Advocacy for Free and Fair Trade
Priority Interest
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) engagement on Forced Labor compliance
- Held quarterly meetings with DHS and CBP
- Held bi-monthly forced labor prevention task force meetings
- Provided member webinars for updates on CBP’s enforcement process
- Sought clarity for compliance
- Provided path to business certainty
- Generated active engagement
- Sustained safe meeting space for importers to discuss compliance strategies
Priority Interest
- Regulatory and legislative engagement on trade facilitation elements for customs modernization
- Held quarterly meetings with CBP Leadership and Congress
- Submitted revised documents and legislative recommendations on AAEI’s core principles for the future of Customs
- Leveraged stakeholder role as technical experts in shaping NextGen Customs
- Advocated for trade facilitation measures in proposed legislation to benefit members
- Provided members with means for input on all aspects of the Customs process
Priority Interest
- Regulatory and practitioner engagement on export controls and economic sanctions
- Held direct discussions with the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) and the Department of State
- Provided in-person benchmarking sessions for exporters
- Provided clarity for compliance
- Helped improve business certainty