Making Global Trade Happen
The American Association of Exporters and Importers (AAEI) represents an international community of trade compliance professionals responsible for complying with and influencing the laws — both domestic and global — that govern the export and import of goods.

AAEI works on behalf of its members to eliminate regulatory and legislative friction to trade and customs. We connect our members—the technical experts and executives in trade and compliance—with the government officials and agencies regulating it.

Professional development and career advancement courses are key benefits of being a part of the AAEI community. AAEI educational courses and member communications help members stay in-the-know. AAEI also offers both in-person events and webinars covering current topics, regulations, compliance requirements, and more.

AAEI’s meetings and events provide opportunities to for peer-to-peer benchmarking about practical solutions for problems in trade practice. Collaborate with members through AAEI’s substantive committees and work on practical solutions to the problems facing the community, gaining valuable insights — and offering some of your own — to the conversation.
The news affecting the international trade community, and the events and programming intended to help you navigate it, no matter the industry.